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 Important Assay Questions in Bio

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 203
نقاط : 6075
السٌّمعَة : 3
تاريخ التسجيل : 22/02/2010
العمر : 31
الموقع : www.highskulls.ahlamontada.com

Important Assay Questions in Bio  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Important Assay Questions in Bio    Important Assay Questions in Bio  Emptyالإثنين يوليو 19, 2010 4:58 am

Important Assays in Bio

1. Describe briefly the primary structure of protein?

2. The multienzyme complex, pyruvate dehydrogenase catalyzes the following reaction: Pyruvate ----„³ Acetyl CoA Using schematic illustration briefly write the reaction mechanism and regulation of this enzyme?

3. Concerning Acetyl CoA carboxylase:
A- Write the catalytic enzyme of this reaction.
B- Discuss the effect of citrate on the enzyme and the role of citrate in lipogenesis

4. NAD is an important coenzyme:
A- Define the terms Coenzyme, apoenzyme & Holoenzyme
B- Name one enzyme which needs NAD and write the equation for the reaction it catalyses.

5. Discuss the biological roles of the different types of immunogbbulins ?

6. Using chemical formulas write in detail the formation of Glucose from lactate , showing the cellular location for each step involved in this pathway ( Name enzymes and coenzvmes are required).

7. Write short notes about the following:
A- Acyl carrier protein (ACP)
B- Stearorrhea in reaction with lipid digestion and absorption
C- The reducing nucleotide utilizing in lipogenesis and its sources.
D- Mobilization of depot fat and its regulation.
E- Discuss the reactions and name of enzymaes involve in Beta oxidation of ODD # fatty acids.

8. ''Proteins are converted to short-chain peptides and free amino acids during the process of digestion '' Discuss the statement?

9. Draw the basic structural formula for purine and pyrimidine rings showing the sources of each atom in their rings. Name the end products of catabolism of purine and pyrimidine rings?

10. Define transamination and its metabolic significance?

11. Write short notes on heme catabolism?

12. Mention briefly the disorders which result from hereditary deficiency in phenylalanine metabolism ( Name deficient enzymes are required )?

13. Define glycogenesis and answer the following :
A- Where does it take place inside the cell
B- Illustrate with diagrams the metabolic pathway of glycogenesis (name of enzymes and coenzymes are required).
C- How do different hormones regulate this pathway?
D- Briefly describe two metabolic disorders associated with this pathway.

14. ''Tyrosine is considered to be non-essential amino acid .yet. it is a precursor for a variety of compounds with biological activity''
A- Outline the catabolic pathway of Tyrosin metabolism the metabolic disorders that may arise.
B- Mention the active compounds derived from tyrosine and the biosynthesis of ONE of them.

15. Mention the various functions of RNA. Name the different steps in protein biosynthesis and describe the following :
A- Charging of amino acids on tRNA.
B- Formation of initiation complex in protein biosynthesis.

16. Describe fully the mechanism that is accepted as plausible for DNA replication?

17. Write short essay about Phospholipids with reference to:
A- Definition
B- Occurrence in the body
C- Types
D- Metabolic importance

18. Briefly outlines the general structure and metabolic importance of cholesterol?

19. Compare and contrast the structure of RNA molecules with that of DNA?

20. Name 4 of plasma proteins and mention their functions?

21. Describe by formula the following biochemical transformation (Pointing to enzymes and coenzymes involved).
A- Ribose-5-phosphate to Sedoheplulose-7-phosphate.
B- Pyruvate to Phosphoenopyruvate.

22. Write short notes on pancreatic lipase, its action and manifestation of its deficiency?

23. Discuss the biochemical concept of ''Refsum's disease''?

24. Give an account on the following:
A- Protein denaturation
B- The iselectric point of an amino add
C- Conjugated proteins

25. Outline the components of the respiratory chain. Demonstrating the sites of phosphorylation and the proposed site of inhibition by: Amobarbital. Antimycine A and Potassium cyanide.?

26. Using diagrammatic representation describe the process of transfer reducing equivalents (NADH+ H+) through Malate- Aspartate shuttle from the cyctosol to the. mitochondrial matrix (Name of enzymes required).?

27. Write. A short account on the structure and functions of endoplasmic reticulum.?

28. Collagen is a special type of Fibrous proteins. write in brief on its chemical structure?

29. What is adenosine? Name 5 derivation of it and importance?

30. Illustrate with diagrams only how reducing equivalents can be transported from the cytosol to the mitochondria?

31. Discuss the structural and functional differences between hemoglobin and myglobin?

32. Most if not all of modern drug therapy is based on the concept of enzyme inhibition. Enumerate the different types of enzymes inhibitors you know and give a brief account on substrate analog inhibitors and two of their application in medicine?

33. Write short essay about digestion and absorption of disaccharides in the human body?

34. Outline the regulatory features of glycolytic pathway?

35. Using diagrammatic illustration briefly discus the role of lysosomes in digestion of both intra and extra cellular substances that must be removed by the cell?

36. Nucleotides are important metabolites that participate in many cellular functions. Mention the various biochemical roles of purine and pyrimidine nudeotides. Support your answer by giving example for each role?

37. Using a chemical formulas describe the following biochemical transformation (Name the enzymes and coenzymes are requred):
A- Fructose 1.6-diphosphate --> Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate + Dihydroxy Acetone phosphate.
B- Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate --> 1,3 Biphosphoglycerate.
C- Pyruvate --> Lactate

LIPID Assays

1. Define ketosis & discuss Ketene bodies synthesis & utilization ?
2. Name the nature product of F.A synthase system?
3. Discuss F.A synthesis?
4. Mention the rate limited step of F.A synthesis and its regulation?
5. Discuss the rate of citrate in lipogenesis?
6. What is the role of Biotin in lipid metabolism?
7. Give an account about steatorrhea?
8. What is the Rifsum's disease?
9. Discuss the level of integration of CHO & lipid at substrate level (for example)?
10. Discuss the hormonal regulation in the lipid metabolism and absorption?
11. Discuss the hormonal regulation of Depot fat?
12. Discuss Alfa oxidation?
13. What are the ketone bodies?

With best wishes
Dof3tna Team

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Important Assay Questions in Bio
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