اهلا بك في منتدي هاي سكالز .........يشرفنا انضمامك لنا في منتدانا المتواضع اذا رغبت في المشاركه معنا فما عليك سوي التسجيل
مع تحيات المدير العام للمنتدي
اهلا بك في منتدي هاي سكالز .........يشرفنا انضمامك لنا في منتدانا المتواضع اذا رغبت في المشاركه معنا فما عليك سوي التسجيل
مع تحيات المدير العام للمنتدي
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

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 اسئلة mcqالنيورو اللي دوك نا د ر منزلها

اذهب الى الأسفل 
4 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 203
نقاط : 6075
السٌّمعَة : 3
تاريخ التسجيل : 22/02/2010
العمر : 31
الموقع : www.highskulls.ahlamontada.com

اسئلة mcqالنيورو اللي دوك نا د ر منزلها Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: اسئلة mcqالنيورو اللي دوك نا د ر منزلها   اسئلة mcqالنيورو اللي دوك نا د ر منزلها Emptyالأربعاء أبريل 20, 2011 8:21 am

choose the best answer:

1. One of the following is not derived from the neural crest:

a. Pia mater.
b. Arachnoid mater.
c. Dura mater.
d. Spinal ganglia.
e. Schwann cells.

2. One of the following is not derived from the neural crest:

a. Dorsal root ganglia.
b. Suprarenal cortex.
c. Geniculate ganglion of the facial nerve.
d. Gracile tract.
e. Sympathetic chain.

3. The 3rd ventricle is the cavity of the:

a. Metencephalon.
b. Myelencephalon.
c. Mesencephalon.
d. Telencephalon.
e. Diencephalon.

4. The lateral ventricle communicates with the 3rd ventricle through:

a. Aqueduct of Sylvius.
b. Foramen of Magendie.
c. Foramen of Monro.
d. Foramen of Luschka.
e. Central canal.

5. The presence of the following in the amniotic fluid indicates anencephaly:

a. Glucose.
b. Blood.
c. Lymphocytes.
d. Alpha fetoprotein.
e. None of the above.

6. Failure of the neural tube to close causes:

a. Hydrocephalus.
b. Anencephaly.
c. Meningocele.
d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.

7. Regarding spina bifida, one of the following is incorrect:

a. Usually occurs in the cervical region.
b. Spina bifida occulta is the commonest type.
c. May be associated with meningocele.
d. Is due to failure of fusion of the vertebral arches.
e. The spinal cord may project through the defect.

8. Regarding the meningeal spaces:

a. Extradural hemorrhage is usually arterial.
b. Subdural hemorrhage is usually venous.
c. Subarachnoid hemorrhage is usually arterial.
d. All are correct.
e. a and b only are correct

9. These cranial nerve nuclei are present in the floor of the 4th ventricle EXCEPT:

a. Abducent nucleus.
b. Facial nucleus in the facial colliculus.
c. Dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus.
d. Hypoglossal nucleus.
e. Vestibular nuclei.

10. Regarding the cerebellar arteries, one of the following is INCORRECT:

a. The superior cerebellar artery supplies the superior cerebellar peduncle.
b. The anterior inferior cerebellar artery supplies the middle cerebellar peduncle.
c. The posterior inferior cerebellar artery supplies the inferior cerebellar peduncle.
d. The anterior inferior cerebellar artery supplies the choroid plexus of the 3rd ventricle.
e. The posterior inferior cerebellar artery supplies the choroid plexus of the 4th ventricle.

11. The subarachnoid space:

a. Contains the cerebrospinal fluid.
b. Dilates in some areas to form the subarachnoid cisterns.
c. Subarachnoid hemorrhage is usually due to rupture of superficial cerebral veins.
d. All of the above are correct.
e. A and B only are correct.

12. The subdural space:

a. Contains the cerebrospinal fluid.
b. Dilates in some areas to form the subarachnoid cisterns.
c. Subdural hemorrhage is usually due to rupture of superficial cerebral veins.
d. All of the above are correct.
e. A and B only are correct.

13. The lateral ventricle is the cavity of the:

a. Telencephalon.
b. Diencephalon.
c. Mesencephalon.
d. Rhombencephalon.
e. None of the above.

14. The fourth ventricle is the cavity of the:

a. Telencephalon.
b. Diencephalon.
c. Mesencephalon.
d. Rhombencephalon.
e. None of the above.

15. Regarding the cerebellum, one of the following is INCORRECT:

a. It develops from the metencephalon.
b. The medullary center contains 4 deep cerebellar nuclei on each side.
c. The paleocerebellum is formed of the lateral zone of the cerebellar hemisphere.
d. The neocerebellum is connected with the cerebral cortex.
e. The flocculonodular lobe is connected with the vestibular system.

16. The central canal of the spinal cord opens out into the:

a. Subarachnoid space.
b. Lumbar cistern.
c. Sacral hiatus.
d. Third ventricle.
e. Fourth ventricle.

17. One of the following arteries is a branch of the basilar artery:

a. Anterior inferior cerebellar artery.
b. Posterior inferior cerebellar artery.
c. Anterior spinal artery.
d. Posterior spinal artery.
e. Radicular arteries to the cervical part of the spinal cord.

18. Regarding the cerebellar arteries, one of the following is INCORRECT:

a. The superior cerebellar artery supplies the superior cerebellar peduncle.
b. The anterior inferior cerebellar artery supplies the middle cerebellar peduncle.
c. The posterior inferior cerebellar artery supplies the inferior cerebellar peduncle.
d. The anterior inferior cerebellar artery is a branch of the vertebral artery.
e. The posterior inferior cerebellar artery may give the posterior spinal artery.

19. One of the following is a branch of the vertebral artery:

a. Anterior cerebral artery.
b. Anterior inferior cerebellar artery (AICA).
c. Posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA).
d. Superior cerebellar artery.
e. Posterior cerebral artery.

20. The brainstem is formed of:

a. Medulla oblongata.
b. Midbrain.
c. Pons.
d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.

21. The floor of the 4th ventricle is formed by the:

a. Superior medullary velum.
b. Inferior medullary velum.
c. Cerebellum.
d. Back of the medulla.
e. None of the above.

22. The primary fissure of the cerebellum separates the:

a. Superior surface from the inferior surface.
b. Anterior lobe from the posterior lobe.
c. Posterior lobe from the flocculonodular lobe.
d. Paleocerebellum from the neocerebellum.
e. None of the above.

23. The cerebellum is separated from the cerebral hemisphere by the:

a. Falx cerebri.
b. Falx cerebelli.
c. Tentorium cerebelli.
d. Galea aponeurotica.
e. fourthventricle.

24. The superior cerebellar peduncle connects the cerebellum with the:

a. Restiform body.
b. Inferior olive.
c. Medulla.
d. Midbrain.
e. Pons.

25. The rhombencephalon is made up of the:

a. Cerebrum and cerebellum.
b. Cerebrum, cerebellum and pons.
c. Cerebellum and thalamus.
d. Spinal cord, medulla and cerebellum.
e. Medulla, pons and cerebellum.

26. The medulla is supplied by all of the following EXCEPT:

a. Anterior spinal artery.
b. Posterior spinal artery.
c. Anterior inferior cerebellar artery.
d. Posterior inferior cerebellar artery.
e. Branches from the vertebral artery.

27. Multipolar neurons usually contain ……… axons:

a. 1.
b. 2.
c. 3.
d. 4.
e. 5.

28. The medulla contains all the following features EXCEPT:

a. Hypoglossal trigone.
b. Clava.
c. Area postrema.
d. Facial colliculus.
e. Pyramidal decussation.

29. The facial colliculus is formed by the:

a. Facial nerve only.
b. Facial nucleus only.
c. Facial and vagus.
d. Facial nerve and abducent nucleus.
e. Facial and trigeminal.

30. The hypoglossal nerve exits from the:

a. Anterior median fissure.
b. Preolivary fissure.
c. Postolivary fissure.
d. Horizontal fissure.
e. Cerebellopontine angle.

31. In the midbrain, one of the following is INCORRECT:

a. The substantia nigra contains nerve cells that secrete dopamine.
b. The superior colliculi are visual reflex centers.
c. The inferior colliculi are auditory reflex centers.
d. The inferior brachium connects the inferior colliculus with the lateral geniculate body.
e. The aqueduct of Sylvius connects the third ventricle with the fourth ventricle.

32. One of the following is not present in the interpeduncular fossa:

a. Tuber cinereum.
b. Infundibulum of the pituitary gland.
c. Mamillary bodies.
d. Posterior perforated substance.
e. Trochlear nerve.

33. The anterior cerebral artery supplies all of the following EXCEPT:

a. Upper one inch of the parietal lobe.
b. Medial surface of the frontal lobe.
c. Anterior limb of the internal capsule.
d. Anterior part of the corpus striatum.
e. 0ccipital lobe.

34. One of the following cortical areas of the brain is present in the parietal lobe:

a. Primary motor area (area 4).
b. Primary auditory area (area 41, 42).
c. Motor eye field area (area Cool.
d. Primary visual area (area 17).
e. General sensory area (area 3, 1, 2).

35. This cortical area is present in the frontal lobe of the cerebral hemisphere:

a. Gustatory (taste) area (area 43).
b. Primary auditory area (areas 41 and 42).
c. Primary visual area (area 17).
d. Broca’s area (motor speech area).
e. Somatosensory association area (area 5 and 7).

36. Regarding the CSF, one of the following is INCORRECT:

a. The main volume is present in the ventricles of the brain.
b. The choroid plexus is the main site of production.
c. The arachnoid villi and granulations are the main site of absorption (drainage).
d. It reaches the subarachnoid space through the 3 foramina of the fourth ventricle.
e. It protects the brain and spinal cord.

37. The epithalamus is formed of all of the following EXCEPT:

a. Pineal gland.
b. Habenular nucleus.
c. Anterior commissure.
d. Posterior commisure.
e. Stria medullaris thalami.

38. The midbrain contains all of the following EXCEPT:

a. Crus cerebri.
b. Substantia nigra.
c. Third ventricle.
d. Oculomotor nerve nuclei.
e. Trochlear nerve nucleus.

39. Regarding the cortical areas of the cerebral cortex, one is INCORRECT:

a. All the motor areas are present in the frontal lobe.
b. Broca’s area is supplied b the middle cerebral artery.
c. The primary visual area (area 17) is supplied by the posterior cerebral artery.
d. The prefrontal cortex (frontal pole) contains the personality center.
e. The auditory association area (area 22) lies in the middle temporal gyrus.

40. The lateral medullary syndrome is usually due to occlusion of the:

a. Anterior spinal artery.
b. Posterior spinal artery.
c. Anterior inferior cerebellar artery.
d. Posterior inferior cerebellar artery.
e. Posterior cerebral artery.

41. The medial medullary syndrome is due to occlusion of the:

a. Anterior cerebral artery.
b. Middle cerebral artery.
c. Posterior cerebral artery.
d. Anterior spinal artery.
e. Posterior spinal artery.

42. The epithalamus:

a. Is part of the diencephalon.
b. Contains a gland that secretes melatonin.
c. Contains a nucleus that is part of the limbic system.
d. All of the above are correct.
e. a and b only are correct.

43. All of the following are correct EXCEPT:

a. Area postrema is the vomiting center.
b. The tuber cinereum of the interpeduncular fossa is part of the hypothalamus.
c. The stria medullaris of the 4th ventricle are arcuatocerebellar fibers.
d. The stria medullaris thalami is part of the limbic system and the epithalamus.
e. Foramen of Megendie of the 4th ventricle is present in the superior medullary velum.

44. In the midbrain:

a. The two superior colliculi are connected by the anterior commissure.
b. The inferior brachium connects the inferior colliculus with the lateral geniculate body.
c. The substantia nigra contains nerve cells that secrete noradrenaline.
d. The posterior part (tectum) contains visual and auditory reflex centers.
e. The trochlear nerve exits from the interpeduncular fossa medial to the crus cerebri.

45. Regarding the ventricular system, one of the following is INCORRECT:

a. The ependymal lining contributes to the formation and circulation of the CSF.
b. It represents the cavity of the neural tube.
c. It contains about 30 ml of CSF.
d. Obstruction of the aqueduct of Sylvius causes dilatation of all the ventricles.
e. Communicates with subarachnoid space through foramina of Luschka and Megendie.

46. Nuclei of the limbic system include all of the following EXCEPT:

a. Hippocampus.
b. Amygdaloid nucleus.
c. Mamillary body.
d. Caudate nucleus.
e. Anterior thalamic nucleus.

47. Language areas are located in all of the following EXCEPT:

a. Supramarginal gyrus.
b. Angular gyrus.
c. Superior temporal gyrus.
d. Middle frontal gyrus.
e. Inferior frontal gyrus.

48. Association fibers include all of the following EXCEPT:

a. Corpus callosum.
b. Superior longitudinal fasciculus.
c. Inferior longitudinal fasc iculus.
d. Cingulum.
e. Fasciculus uncinatus.

49. Regarding Corpus callosum all of the following are correct EXCEPT:

a. It connects similar cortical areas of the two hemispheres.
b. It is supplied by the anterior cerebral artery.
c. It is formed of association fibers.
d. It transmits information between the 2 hemispheres.
e. The posterior end is called the splenium.

50. One of the following arteries is not part of the circulus arteriosus:

a. Anterior cerebral artery.
b. Middle cerebral artery.
c. Posterior cerebral artery.
d. Anterior communicating artery.
e. Posterior communicating artery.

51. The inferior cerebellar peduncle contains all of the following EXCEPT:

a. Dorsal spinocerebellar tract.
b. Ventral spinocerebellar tract.
c. Vestibulocerebellar tract.
d. Olivocerebellar tract.
e. Cuneocerebellar tract.

52. The commissural fibers of the brain include all of the following EXCEPT:

a. Corpus callosum.
b. Cingulum.
c. Anterior commissure.
d. Posterior commissure.
e. Hippocampal commissure.

53. Regarding the anterior limb of the internal capsule, all the statements are correct EXCEPT:

a. Lies between head of the caudate nucleus and the lentiform nucleus.
b. Contains the anterior thalamic radiation.
c. Contains fibers from the anterior thalamic nucleus to the cingulate gyrus.
d. Contains nonfrontopontine fibers.
e. Supplied by branches of the anterior cerebral and middle cerebral arteries.

54. Regarding the spinal cord, all are correct EXCEPT:

a. The spinal cord is the continuation of the medulla oblongata.
b. The spinal cord ends at the level of L3 in the adult.
c. In the adult, the dura mater ends at the level of S2 vertebra.
d. The ventral 2/3 are supplied by the anterior spinal artery.
e. The conus medullaris is fixed to the coccyx by the filum terminale.

55. The tract mediating unconscious proprioceptin from the upper limb to the cerebellum is:

a. Gracile tract.
b. Dorsal spinocerebellar tract.
c. Ventral spinocerebellar tract.
d. Cuneocerebellar tract.
e. Lateral spinothalamic tract.

56. The following tract mediates pain and temperature sensations from the body:

a. Gracile tract.
b. Ventral spinothalamic tract.
c. Lateral spinothalamic tract.
d. Ventral spinocerebellar tract.
e. Dorsal spinocerebellar tract.

57. The superior cerebellar peduncle contains one of the following tracts:

a. Dorsal spinocerebellar tract.
b. Ventral spinocerebellar tract.
c. Olivocerebellar tract.
d. Cuneocerebellar tract.
e. Pontocerebellar tract.

58. A lesion in the following cranial nerve causes dysphagia and hoarseness of voice:

a. Vagus nerve.
b. Glossopharyngeal nerve.
c. Hypoglossal nerve.
d. Facial nerve.
e. Spinal accessory nerve.

59. The crus cerebri of the midbrain contains all of the following fibers (tracts) EXCEPT:

a. Frontopontine fibers.
b. Non-frontopontine fibers.
c. Corticospinal tract.
d. Corticobulbar tract.
e. Medial lemniscus.

60. Regarding the spinal nerves, one of the following is TRUE:

a. C6 spinal nerve exits below C6 vertebra.
b. T6 spinal nerve exits below T6 vertebra.
c. The sacral nerve roots are shorter than the cervical nerve roots.
d. The ventral nerve roots contain preganglionic autonomic fibers.
e. The spinal nerves are 31 pairs.

61. Signs of Horner’s syndrome include all of the following EXCEPT:

a. Ptosis.
b. Mydriasis.
c. Anhidrosis.
d. Enophthalmos.
e. Dry skin of the ipsilateral side of the face.

62. Hemisection in the cervical spinal cord may cause one of the following:

a. Contralateral loss of proprioception from the lower limb.
b. Contralateral flaccid weakness in the upper limb.
c. Contralateral flaccid weakness in the lower limb.
d. Contralateral spinothalamic sensory loss in the trunk and lower limb.
e. Ipsilateral spinothalamic sensory loss in the upper limb.

63. Regarding the cerebral arteries, one of the following is INCORRECT:

a. They are present in the subarachnoid space.
b. Occlusion of the right anterior cerebral artery may cause paralysis of the left upper limb.
c. The anterior cerebral artery courses in the callosal sulcus.
d. The middle cerebral artery courses in the lateral sulcus.
e. The posterior cerebral artery courses in the calcarine sulcus.

64. Regarding the corticospinal tract, one of the following is INCORRECT:

a. It takes origin from both primary motor and general sensory areas.
b. It is supplied by the vertebrobasilar system throughout its course.
c. In the brainstem and the spinal cord, the cervical fibers are the most medial fibers.
d. Descends in the middle 3/5 of the crus cerebri.
e. Decussates in the lower part of the medulla.

65. One of the following statements is INCORRECT:

a. Lesion in the premotor area 6 causes apraxia.
b. Lesion in area 22 causes receptive aphasia.
c. Lesion in area 8 causes contralateral conjugate deviation of both eyes.
d. Irritative lesion in the uncus causes olfactory hallucination.
e. Lesion in Broca’s area in the dominant hemisphere causes motor aphasia.

66. Regarding the ventricular system, one of the following is INCORRECT:

a. It contains choroids plexus that secrete the CSF.
b. It represents the cavity of the neural tube.
c. It contains about 100 ml of CSF.
d. Obstruction of the aqueduct of Sylvius causes dilatation of the lateral and third ventricles.
e. The lateral ventricle is the cavity of the cerebral hemisphere.

67. Accomodation-convergence reflex is mediated by all of the following EXCEPT:

a. Optic nerve and optic tract.
b. Pretectal nucleus.
c. Edinger-Westphal nucleus.
d. Short ciliary nerves.
e. Area 17.

68. Signs of upper motor neuron lesion include all of the following EXCEPT:

a. Spasticity.
b. Hypertonia.
c. Hyperreflexia.
d. Babinski sign.
e. Fasciculations.

69. Signs of lower motor neuron lesion include all of the following EXCEPT:

a. Atrophy of muscles.
b. Fibrillation.
c. Flaccidity.
d. Clonus.
e. Hypotonia

70. Tract/s which is/are important for maintaining the upright posture include:

a. Pontine (medial) reticulospinal tract.
b. Lateral vestibulospinal tract.
c. Medullary (lateral) reticulospinal tract.
d. All of the above.
e. A and b only.

71. Typical features of medial medullary syndrome include:

a. Ipsilateral loss of discriminative touch and kinesthesia.
b. Contralateral deviation of the protruded tongue.
c. Contralateral hemiplegia.
d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.

72. Typical features of lateral medullary syndrome include all of the following EXCEPT:

a. Dysphagia.
b. Ataxia.
c. Vertigo.
d. Contralateral loss of pain and temperature sensation from the face.
e. Contralateral loss of pain and temperature sensation from the body

73. Unconscious proprioception is mediated through:

a. Dorsal spinocerebellar tract.
b. Spino-olivary tract.
c. Ventral spinocerebellar tract.
d. All of the above.
e. A and c only.

74. The following nuclei project their axons to the cerebellum EXCEPT:

a. Red nucleus.
b. Accessory cuneate nucleus.
c. Arcuate nucleus.
d. Clarke’s nucleus.
e. Inferior olivary nucleus.

75. Regarding the thalamic radiations, all are correct EXCEPT:

a. The anterior thalamic radiation connects nuclei of the limbic system with the cerebral cortex.
b. The posterior thalamic radiation carries visual fibers to area 17.
c. The inferior thalamic radiation carries auditory fibers to area 41 and 42.
d. Lesion in the posterior thalamic radiation causes contralateral homonymous hemianopia.
e. Lesion in the inferior thalamic radiation causes contralateral loss of hearing.

76. An upper motor neuron lesion is a lesion in the:

a. Anterior horn cells of the spinal cord.
b. Peripheral nerve.
c. Pyramidal and extrapyramidal tracts.
d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.

77. A lower motor neuron lesion is a lesion in the:

a. Anterior horn cells of the spinal cord.
b. Peripheral nerve.
c. Motor area of the cerebral hemisphere.
d. All of the above.
e. A and b only.

78. An upper motor neuron lesion can occur in any one of the following EXCEPT:

a. Internal capsule.
b. Pyramid of the medulla.
c. Crus cerebri of the midbrain.
d. Ventral nerve root of the spinal nerve.
e. Corticoispinal tract.

79. In syringomyelia, all are correct EXCEPT:

a. Bilateral loss of pain and temperature in the affected dermatomes.
b. Bilateral loss of touch sensation in the affected dermatomes.
c. Dilatation of the central canal.
d. Destruction of the crossing fibers of the lateral spinothalamic tracts.
e. Destruction of the crossing fibers of the ventral spinothalamic tracts.

80. Lesion in the gracile tract causes all of the following in the ipsilateral side EXCEPT:

a. Loss of sense of movement of the thumb.
b. Loss of sense of movement of the big toe.
c. Loss of discriminative touch from the region of the umbilicus.
d. Loss of sense of vibration over the medial malleolus.
e. Loss of tactile localization over the front of the thigh.

81. In lesions of the left cuneate tract, one of the following is INCORRECT:

a. Loss of sense of movement of the left shoulder joint.
b. Loss of sense of flexion of the left index finger.
c. Loss of sense of movement of the right elbow joint.
d. Intact sense of extension of the right knee joint.
e. Intact sense of pain from the left upper limb.

82. Clarke's nucleus transmits the following sensation:

a. Pain and temperature sensation.
b. Sense of movement of the upper limb to the cerebellum.
c. Sense of movement of the upper limb to the cerebral hemisphere.
d. Sense of movement of the lower limb to the cerebellum.
e. Sense of movement of the lower limb to the cerebral hemisphere.

83. Lesion in the medial lemniscus causes:

a. Contralateral loss of pain and temperature sensation.
b. Contralateral loss of sense of movement.
c. Ipsilateral loss of discriminative touch.
d. Ipsilateral loss of pain and temperature sensation.
e. Ipsilateral loss of sense of movement.

84. The hypoglossal nerve:

a. Carries taste sensation from the posterior third of the tongue.
b. Carries fibers from the2nd and 3rd cervical nerves.
c. Emerges between the olive and the inferior cerebellar peduncle.
d. Supplies all the muscles of the tongue.
e. Its lesion causes deviation of the protruded tongue to the same side as the lesion.

85. Concerning the trigeminal nuclei, one is CORRECT:

a. The main sensory nucleus is located in the medulla oblongata.
b. The spinal nucleus extends in the spinal cord till the 6th cervical segment.
c. The main sensory nucleus conveys pain and temperature sensations from the face.
d. The mesencephalic nucleus conveys proprioceptive impulses from the muscles of mastication.
e. They project to the ventral posterior lateral nucleus of the thalamus.

86. Bitemporal hemianopia indicates a lesion in:

a. Optic nerve.
b. Central part of the optic chiasma.
c. Peripheral part of the optic chiasma.
d. Optic tract.
e. Optic radiation.

87. Contralateral homonymous hemianopia indicates a lesion in all of the following EXCEPT:

a. Optic chiasma.
b. Optic tract.
c. Lateral geniculate body.
d. Optic radiation.
e. Primary visual area.

88. A pituitary adenoma (tumor) may cause one of the following:

a. Blindness.
b. Binasal hemianopia.
c. Bitemporal hemianopia.
d. Contralateral homonymous hemianopia.
e. Contralateral homonymous hemianopia with macular sparing.

89. A vascular lesion of the primary visual area (17) may cause one of the following:

a. Blindness.
b. Binasal hemianopia.
c. Bitemporal hemianopia.
d. Contralateral homonymous hemianopia.
e. Contralateral homonymous hemianopia with macular sparing.

90. Constriction of the right pupil when light is directed at the left eye needs all of the following EXCEPT:

a. Left optic nerve.
b. Left pretectal nucleus.
c. Left optic radiation.
d. Right Edinger-Westphal nucleus.
e. Optic chiasma.

91. Constriction of the right pupil when light is directed at the left eye needs all of the following EXCEPT:

a. Left optic nerve.
b. Left pretectal nucleus.
c. Right oculomotor nerve.
d. Right optic nerve.
e. Right Edinger-Westphal nucleus.

92. Nucleus ambiguous gives fibers to all of the following nerves EXCEPT:

a. Glossopharyngeal nerve.
b. Vagus nerve.
c. Spinal accessory nerve.
d. Cranial accessory nerve.
e. Recurrent laryngeal nerve.

93. Nucleus ambiguous supplies all of the following muscles EXCEPT:

a. All muscles of the larynx.
b. Stylopharyngeus muscle.
c. Constrictor muscles of the pharynx.
d. Palatoglossus muscle.
e. Tensor palati.

94. Nucleus solitarius receives all of the following EXCEPT:

a. Taste sensation from the anterior two thirds of the tongue via the chorda tympani.
b. Taste sensation from the posterior third of the tongue via the glossopharyngeal nerve.
c. Taste sensation from the epiglottis via the vagus nerve.
d. General sensation from the anterior two thirds of the tongue via the lingual nerve.
e. General sensation from the viscera supplied by the vagus nerve.

95. Regarding the parasympathetic nuclei of the brainstem, all are correct EXCEPT:

a. The superior salivatory nucleus supplies the lacrimal gland.
b. The superior salivatory nucleus supplies the submandibular salivary gland.
c. Fibers from the superior salivatory nucleus relay in the sphenopalatine ganglion.
d. The inferior salivatory nucleus supplies the parotid gland.
e. The Edinger-Westphal nucleus supplies the dilator pupillae muscle.

96. Regarding the parasympathetic nuclei of the brainstem, all are correct EXCEPT:

a. The Edinger-Westphal nucleus is located in the midbrain opposite the inferior colliculus.
b. Fibers from Edinger-Westphal nucleus relay in the ciliary ganglion.
c. The superior salivatory nucleus is located in the pons.
d. The inferior salivatory nucleus is located in the medulla oblongata.
e. The dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus is located in the medulla oblongata.

97. Regarding the parasympathetic nuclei of the brainstem, all are correct EXCEPT:

a. Fibers from the inferior salivatory nucleus relay in the otic ganglion.
b. Fibers from the inferior salivatory nucleus pass through the deep petrosal nerve.
c. The Edinger-Westphal nucleus gives fibers to the oculomotor nerve.
d. Fibers from the superior salivatory nucleus relay in the submandibular ganglion.
e. The dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus is present in the floor of the 4th ventricle.

98. Regarding the facial nerve, all are correct EXCEPT:

a. It supplies all muscles of the second pharyngeal arch.
b. It exits from the cerebello-pontine angle.
c. Has motor nucleus that forms the facial colliculus.
d. Has parasympathetic fibers that relay in the sphenopalatine ganglion.
e. Has sensory fibers that end in the nucleus solitarius.

99. Regarding the thalamic nuclei, all are correct EXCEPT:

a. The anterior nucleus is part of the limbic system.
b. The medial nucleus is connected with the prefrontal cortex (personality center).
c. The ventral anterior nucleus is connected with the motor and premotor areas.
d. The ventral posterior lateral nucleus receives the medial lemniscus.
e. The ventral posterior medial nucleus receives the spinal lemniscus.

100. Regarding the medial geniculate body, all are correct EXCEPT:

a. It receives auditory information from both ears but mainly from the opposite ear.
b. It receives auditory information from the superior colliculus.
c. It projects to the auditory area in the superior temporal gyrus.
d. It projects through the sublenticular part of the internal capsule.
e. A lesion causes bilateral diminution of hearing.

Authored by Dr Adel Bondok, Mansoura University, Egypt

*true or false:

101. The hypothalamus:

a. forms part of the mid-brain

b. forms part of the roof of the third ventricle

c. is responsible for temperature regulation

d. contains the tuber cinerueum

e. has nerve connections with the anterior lobe of the
pituitary gland

102. The human pituitary gland:

a. lies in the hypophyseal fossa of the sphenoid bone

b. derives its blood supply from the circle of Willis

c. is entirely ectodermal in origin

d. has independent vascular systems for the anterior and
posterior lobe

e. has neural connections with the pineal body

103. The following hormones are secreted by the posterior pituitary

a. TSH

b. growth hormone

c. oxytocin

d. antidiuretic hormone

e. prolactin

104. The adult spinal cord:

a. extends to the sacrum

b. contains a central canal

c. is composed entirely of grey matter

d. has a spinal ganglion in each dorsal nerve root

e. is covered by three protective membranes

105. The pituitary gland :

a. is situated above the optic nerve in the majority
of patients

b. if enlarged with adenoma can cause bitemporal
hemianopia which is often larger superiorly than

c. has a portal circulation

d. contains pars nervosa in the anterior lobe

e. increases in size during pregnancy

106. The trigeminal nerve:

a. has three autonomic ganglia associated with its terminal
b. has a large sensory and a small motor root
c. carries taste fibres from the posterior one-third of the
d. has a mandibular division which leaves the skull
through the foramen rotundum
e. has maxillary division which is both sensory and motor

107. The trigeminal ganglion:

a. lies in a depression on the petrous temporal bone
b. has the internal carotid artery lying lateral to it
c. contains the cell bodies of the sensory fibres of the fifth
cranial nerve
d. contains parasympathetic synapses
e. lies entirely in the extradural space.

108. The maxillary nerve:

a. is medial to the internal carotid artery in the cavernous
b. enters the orbit through the superior orbital fissure
c. supplies sensation to the mucous membrane of the
maxillary air sinus
d. supplies sensation to the lower lip
e. supplies sensation to the lower eyelid.

109. Branches of the maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve include:

a. the mental nerve
b. the infraorbital nerve
c. the supraorbital nerve
d. the zygomaticofacial nerve
e. the anterior ethmoidal nerve

110. Postganglionic fibres from the submandibular ganglion supply:

a. the hyoglossus muscle
b. taste buds on the tongue
c. the facial artery
d. sweat glands in the skin of the chin
e. the sublingual salivary gland.

111. Structures found within the cerebellum include:

a. the amygdaloid body

b. the dentate nucleus

c. the emboliform nucleus

d. the caudate nucleus

e. the globose nucleus

112. The fibres that interconnect the two cerebral hemispheres include:

a. the cingulum

b. the uncinate fasciculus

c. the corpus callosum

d. the hippocampal commissure

e. the geniculo-calcarine tract

113. The following structures are made up of the dura mater:

a. tela choroidea

b. the cisterna magna

c. the diaphragma sellae

d. falx cerebelli

e. falx cerebri

114. The following are true with regard to the internal capsule:

a. it is made up of grey matter

b. the anterior limb separates the caudate nucleus from
the lenticular nucleus

c. fibres connecting the frontal lobe to the red nucleus
are found in the posterior limb

d. corticothalamic fibres are found in the anterior limb

e. contralateral spastic hemiplegia can result from
infarction of the lenticulostriate artery

115. With regard to cerebral circulation:

a. the posterior inferior cerebellar artery arises from
the posterior cerebral artery

b. the internal capsule is supplied by penetrating branches
arising from the middle cerebral artery

c. the posterior cerebral artery arises from the internal
carotid artery

d. the lateral aspect of each cerebral hemisphere is
supplied mainly by the middle cerebral artery

e. the inferior petrosal sinus drains into the external
jugular vein

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

عدد المساهمات : 1
نقاط : 1
السٌّمعَة : 3
تاريخ التسجيل : 07/04/2011

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هي فين الاجابات
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Dr/Mhmd Gamal
Dr/Mhmd Gamal

عدد المساهمات : 97
نقاط : 267
السٌّمعَة : 1
تاريخ التسجيل : 18/04/2010
العمر : 32
الموقع : www.highskulls.ahlamontada.com

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

ده لينك لموقع عليه نفس الاسئلة بتاع د/نادر .. كمان باجابتها ...

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

عدد المساهمات : 292
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السٌّمعَة : 4
تاريخ التسجيل : 24/02/2010
العمر : 31

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